Free alarm systems
studio77 SECURITY SERVICES LTD is a company founded in 2005 and which successfully provides physical and technical security on the entire territory of the Republic of Serbia ever since.
studio77 SECURITY SERVICES LTD aims to become a leader in the security industry in the near future. Complete business of the enterprise is based on 4 main postulates:Quality, Trust, Inovation, Reliability
We would like to introduce to You a portion of our services related to the technical security facilities through the remote monitoring of alarm systems – ALARM MONITORING service that includes 24 hour monitoring alarm system in Your facility. Connecting Your alarm system with studio77’s Operating center (through telephone lines; GPRS) enables instant overview of Your facility and taking appropriate measures in case of alarm situation.
studio77 is the first and currently the only company in Serbia to implement the action: WE OFFER YOU ALARM SYSTEM FREE OF CHARGE in case You decide to entrust Yours, Your family’s and Your business’s safety to us. FREE ALARM SYSTEM means that you receive, as a gift, the alarm system base comprising:
1) control panel, 2) keyboard, 3) 4 motion detectors, 4) magnetic contact, 5) internal siren, 6) battery, 7) power transformer.
All the elements above are trademarks of Paradox – Canada. This base is sufficient to fully ensure every object that has a single premise. If Your facility has more than one premise it is recommended to expand the base system with additional motion detectors.
The price for installing an alarm system is 50,00 euro + TAX in RSD equivalent regardless of the size of the system. If you accept the gift base alarm system You will need to sign the Alarm monitoring contract with our company at a monthly price of 30,00 euro + TAX in RSD equivalent.
In case the company has more than ten facilities, the price of alarm monitoring is the subject of the agreement.Alarm monitoring services include:
1. MONITORING – includes supervision of the alarm system (safety and tehnical) from the studio77’s Operations centre. To all alarm sitautions it is responed by alerting the users and authorized services about the new and unwanted siutation in facilities
2. DURESS CODE – special programmed code in case of force deactivation of the alarm system, which enables proper and timely response in such a delicate situation.
3. INTERVENTION – engagement of studio77’s teams, specialized for intervention in alarm sitaution in endangered facilities
4. MONTHLY REPORT – sending monthly report (electronic statements to the desired mail of the client) on the everyday state in facilities, from hour to hour: entries/exits overview, opening/closing, the loss of electricity, interruption of telephone lines or the GPRS signal, etc.
5. SERVICING – Provides to the User of the service an absolute warranty (as far as the technical accuracy of the system) to the alarm system for the entire duration of the Alarm monitoring contract.
If you have the desire to providing full security for Your business or residential facility, please feel free to call studio77 Security Services Ltd. and make an appointment with our security consultant. We will come to you, give you the closer explanation of this offer and perform security analysis of your facility free of charge.